MTB Kingston 2024 AGM

MTB Kingston AGM Agenda – June 26, 2024 @730 p.m.

Zoom link
  1. Declaration of quorum.
  2. Introductions of Board Members
  3. Receipt of AGM Agenda
  4. Receipt of Minutes from 2023
  5. President’s remarks
    • Recognition of landowners and volunteers
    • Member engagement
    • Club priorities
    • Activities
  6. Financial Report
    • 2024-2025 potential expenditures discussion and questions
    • Appointment of auditor (2 minutes)
  7. Adjournment

Board of Directors
  • Chris Frank – President
  • Rob Sangers – General Manager
  • Heather Dow – Director
  • Peter Dawson – Director
  • Val Lessard – Director
  • Al Le – Director