The Fat bike trails are getting built, the Ski trails are getting snipped… can we just get some snow already!! Well, winter is coming sometime soon and so are the MTBK winter activities and club events.
The first winter event is this Saturday Nov 12 @ 930am – 11am.
CLINIC – Cross-Country Ski Selection, Winter Prep and Basic Wax technique (Nov 12, 930am)
Be prepared for the ski season! Mtb Kingston invites club members and general public to join the us for our first winter clinic of 2016 on “Cross-Country Ski Selection, Winter Prep and Basic Wax technique”. The clinic will be presented by local cross-country ski guru and all around legend, Francois Beaupre. Coming out of this clinic you will have the information you need to feel confident in dusting off those skis or hitting the local ski store to pick up a ski set. This is the first ski clinic of the year and depending on availability and attendance we hope to offer an advanced waxing technique clinic and some classic/skate skiing technique clinics. So come on out and hit the attendee button on the Facebook event, or drop us a line at the “Contact Us” page on the website so that we know to expect you! Again, clinic is November 12, 2016 @930 – 1100am, see you there!
General Winter info:
All sources say this winter is going to be a great one for getting out and hitting the trails for fatbikeing classic or skate skiing, or snow shoeing with the family. Beyond regular fatbike rides, MTB Kingston is working on some other great ideas this winter to keep you entertained and active:

– Fatbike biathlons;
– Night skis and snowshoes;
– XC Ski Loppet (Skate/Classic) – better attend the clinic to make sure you know how to wax for the race!;
– Snowshoe race;
– and on and on!