Guess who’s turning five?

MTB Kingston members and their families are invited to join the rest of the MTBK crew on Saturday, June13th and Sunday, June 14th for our Spring Festival where we’ll be celebrating MTB Kingston’s fifth birthday!

NEW  THIS YEAR – Kids Super Hero Race!   MTBK’s  Super Heroes are invited to put on their costumes for the first ever, MTBK Super Hero Race!  Prizes for everyone!

Free BBQ Sunday,  Free camping,  Bonfire, Music, and of course Mountain Biking!

Please let us know how many people in your party will be at the BBQ and how many kids you will have racing on Sunday 🙂


10:00 a.m. Ladies Ride
All day campers move in
Pool open
Mountain biking

Saturday – evening

Evening ride / night ride for those with lights
Bonfire   –  BYO snacks to cook on the fire and beverages.


Pool Open all day
10:00 a.m.  Group ride – Please join in to make this the Largest MTBK group ride ever on the home loop!
12:00 noon  Kid’s Super Hero Race  –  All kids welcome.  Kids should dress as their favourite super heroes!
12:30p.m.  BBQ  with  Grill Master Tony   Food and beverages will be provided for Sunday lunch
1:30p.m.  Bikeathlon at the barn