With the extended MTB Kingston family approaching 800 people (yes, we have almost 800 members!), the time has come, where it is also time to expand the trail crew in order to keep up with growth and maintenance. We don’t want participants to sign on to build trails at every opportunity, this workshop is solely for the purpose of expanding the memberships knowledge base so that when build-days are scheduled, we may have a larger pool of people to reach out to. To be a little more to the point, YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOUR HELP, not today, not tomorrow, but when you can spare the time. Please join us this Saturday, July 9th from 9am – 11:00 am to learn a little more about how and why the trails are built as they are, how bridges are built and installed and also what tools make it all happen. Please wear sturdy shoes/boots and work gloves if you have them as the demos will be interactive!
Please RSVP to the contact link on the website or on Facebook if you intend to participate.