2016 MTBK Summer Classic

Starting Line - 2016 Summer Classic
Starting Line – 2016 Summer Classic



Race starts;  Sunday July 24th at 11:00

Sign in is open; 9:45 – 10:45


This Sunday is the MTBK Summer Classic, a classic XC race, club event.  Whether you’re a seasoned pro or you want to try your first race, this is your chance.



Who; MTB Kingston members.  All ages.

Where; MTB Kingston / “The Farm”

Cost; Free to members ($65 for non-members, includes membership)

When; Sunday, July 24th, 2016, 11:00 a.m.   Racers meeting; 10:50 a.m.

How long; 28-32km long race and a 10-16km short course.

Award Categories (1st, 2nd, 3rd);

Ladies’ 30km

Men’s 30km

Ladies’ 15km

Men’s 15km

Fat Bike!


As with all MTBK events, there is plenty of room to camp, and the fire-pit will be burning on Saturday night for those who want to arrive really early!

The format of this event guarantees a great spectator experience, lawn chairs and noise makers are a must!  This is a basic, “first-over-the-line-wins” race.   Racers will not be timed, it is a mass start, first ones back win! *Strava is encouraged*



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