Night Ride, Eliminator Race Tonight!

photo; Pam Groenwold
photo; Pam Groenwold

We’ve got amazing, Autumn weather forecast for the night ride and Eliminator Race today but the super-moon just could be what makes this the coolest ride of the season!

Group Night Ride – 6:45pm:  Grab your lights, the evening starts with a group night ride under what should be a humongous, orange Hunter’s Moon – Super Moon!  This will be a fun, social ride, enjoyable for everybody.

Racing:  The Night Eliminator will begin at 7:30pm.

  • Course Length: 4- 5km
  • Location: Home Loop – Beaver Pond, just follow the west fence-line south, you can’t miss us!
  • Format: Night race, short course, elimination.
  • Riders must finish each lap before the elimination time runs out on each lap.  The elimination time begins when the first racer crosses the finish line on each lap.  Riders that do not cross the finish line before the elimination time is up are out of the race.  All continuing riders will have a minimum of one minute rest between each lap, regardless of the elimination time, with the exception of the 15 second rounds.  On 15 second rounds, the slower rider(s) get a 30 second rest.
  • Elimination time sequence will be: 7 minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 1 minute, 15 seconds.  Race runs until the fastest rider eliminates all of the other riders.
  • 15 Second rounds will run on a very short course.
  • All continuing riders will have a minimum of one minute rest between each lap, regardless of the elimination time, with the exception of the 15 second rounds.  On 15 second rounds, the slower rider(s) get a 30 second rest.
  • Riders are permitted to repair bikes, modify bikes, trades bikes (anything goes) between/during sessions.  A flat tire does not necessarily mean your race is over.

Rules are subject to change due to: course, environmental conditions, wildlife, mood ring colour, etc…

Après:  Please, stick around and enjoy good company around the fire.  Bring a beverage and something to roast over the fire if you like!

Camping:  Anyone wishing to make a weekend out of this is welcome to camp out under the super-moon at The Farm.


Trail closure:  Home Loop will be closed for the Eliminator Race between 7:15pm and 9:30pm this evening.  If you’d like to pop down to the beaver pond to join in on the festivities, or just to access the south trails, please enter in along the fence-line and be careful of speeding bikes!